Saturday, January 31, 2009

蔡琴 唱 其實你不懂我的心

((((( 音樂心情 : 張艾嘉/ 鄭元暢/ 王耀慶主演, 林奕華執導的舞台劇「華麗上班族之生活與生存」主題曲 - 「在生存的邊緣優雅地討論生活, 到底誰是最後的贏家?」. 個人覺得還不錯看, 還沒買票的朋友不妨捧場...今晚last show了喔! )))))

作詞:陳桂珠 作曲:童安格 編曲:陳玉立

你說我像雲 捉摸不定




Friday, January 30, 2009

范曉萱 唱 我有我愛你

((((( 音樂心情 : 萱萱於概念音樂劇「人神鬥」飾演情慾愛神, 非常噴火誘惑的一段演出 )))))

[Bonus 1] 原唱陳奕迅的版本
(每次聽都不期然想起了另一首歌「黑夜不再來」, 原班底的關係吧~~)

[Bonus 2] 關於「人神鬥」
2005年夏天登場. 全劇無對白, 以歌曲貫穿.

故事大綱: 4010年, 地球經歷過多場天災戰禍, 最後剩下一個人類.
守護人類的愛神因人類滅亡而面臨失業, 為保工作, 眾愛神對地球上最後一個人均虎視眈眈, 大家都期望上帝會指派自己成為這個人的愛神; 於是,眾神便各出奇謀, 用自己的方法去讓人感受愛, 一場愛神大戰便告展開...

演員陣容: 陳奕迅 飾演 人/ 范曉萱 飾演 情慾愛神/ at17 飾演 金錢愛神/ 詹瑞文 飾演 回憶愛神/ 劉浩龍 飾演 情歌愛神/ 何超儀 飾演 恨/ Soler 飾演 恨/ (特別嘉賓 林子祥)



P.S. 想看其他部分的話, 到小Y或阿土家找找吧! ^^

Thursday, January 29, 2009

雀斑 唱 朋友之歌

((((( 音樂心情 : 朋友們的聚會好開心~~ )))))



*插播* 工商時間
哪位好心「冰友」可以代買? ^^

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Beyonce Knowles sings At Last

(A lovely tribute to Etta James the soul diva herself)

(American President Barack Obama's first dance with First Lady Michelle Obama at the Neighbourhood Inaugural Dance and Ball. Awww...isn't it romantic?)

((((( Music Mood : 'Cadillac Records' the movie has little to wow about, but the soundtrack's worth checking out. Especially if you're into the Blues. ^^ )))))

Etta James' live version

(Nothing beats the legend herself. There's just so much soul in her voice)

Christina Aguilera's version

(Flexing her vocal gymnastics, as usual)

Renee Olstead's version

(A jazzy treatment from this really young singer)

Monday, January 26, 2009


Happy 牛 Year! 春節愉快!

五月天/ 春天的吶喊


方大同/ 春風吹


at17/ 青春


黃耀明/ 春光乍洩


黃鶯鶯/ 春光


春田花花幼稚園校歌 (取自「麥兜故事」動畫片)


(嗯, 聽不懂? 還是貼貼歌詞吧...科科!)

我們是快樂的好兒童 我們天天一起歌唱!
我們在學習 我們在成長 我們是春天的花!
我們是美麗的主人翁 我們是社會的棟樑!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

陳綺貞 唱 煙火

((((( 音樂心情 : 毎次在陳老師演唱會上聽都激動不已的一首歌...收錄於「太陽」專輯 )))))


躲在黑暗的角落 讓我徹底的放鬆
陪我看一場華麗的煙火 我的愛如此短暫自由
站在城市的頂峰 灰色的雲朵飄過
我的心隨著你垂直的降落 做過的夢是一陣漩渦
快告訴我 你還愛我
用我最後溫柔的請求 對你毫不保留
等到我的青春剝落的時候 你還愛我

楊乃文/ 證據

(這首歌原本就是陳老師寫給楊乃文的, 歌詞由林暐哲重新填寫)

范曉萱/ 證據 (絕世名伶演唱會)

(未必完美, 但我喜歡)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Jason Mraz sings Fly Me To The Moon

((((( Music Mood : The best version I've ever heard. This classic's been Mraz-ed. ^^ )))))

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Emiliana Torrini sings Big Jumps

((((( Music Mood : Come on, make some big jumps! Life is yours alone! ^^ )))))

- Emiliana Torrini Lyrics

Monday, January 19, 2009

at17 feat. 林嘉欣 唱 依然, 親愛的

((((( 音樂心情 : at17唱作得好, 林嘉欣旁白唸得好, 區雪兒導得好...好好好~~ )))))

依然, 親愛的

(在很久很久以前 記得那個時候你們心目中的天空是一片藍色
一切都是完美的 在一起 你們很快樂 有時候 你們又會很傷感)

那年 那遇見的一天
你我 彷似從沒有分別
若你在 天多冷都很暖

(你話 你想一齊開間老人院
到老左無人要 大家都可以照顧大家
你話你鍾意關淑怡 我話我鍾意林憶蓮
如果係宜家 你仲會唔會…

難得 一切有她伴我
oh… 這時間 可慵懶
不用怕 怎麼都不會怕

(藍色的天空還是一樣 可是你們所想要的天長地久已經沒了
就算不能夠稱心如願 也不要灰心)

難得 (喂?)一切有她伴我 (做緊咩?)
oh… 這時間 可慵懶(um…)
不用怕 怎麼都不會怕(咁…唔緊要……下次先)

(天長地久已經沒了 那就當作一個經驗咯 經驗會讓你們成長)


Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Rumble Strips sings Girls And Boys In Love

((((( Music Mood : If you're in the mood for some perk-me-up Brit comedy, 'Run Fatboy Run', which touches lightly on escapism issue, makes a pretty decent cut. )))))

Girls And Boys In Love
Just ’cause you think it,
Don’t make it so,
Drop you to drink it,
Won’t let you go.

Plenty of girls and boys in love,
Plenty of girls and boys in love.

Move to the city,
Loose all your heart,
She weren’t that pretty,
You ain’t too smart.

Plenty of girls and boys in love,
Plenty of girls and boys in love.

But ain’t it a shame,
Woaaah oooohhh,
Ain’t it a shame,
Woaaah oooohhh,
Ain’t it a shame,
I’ve let you go,
Plenty of girls… and boys in love.

Plenty of girls… and boys in love (3x)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

方大同 X 張懸 唱 四人游

((((( 音樂心情 : :「假Fiona」張懸好可愛...呵呵呵 ^^ )))))

作曲 : 方大同 
填詞 : 林夕 
編曲 : 方大同 

你的長髮為何不留 你幹麼會學懂喝酒
你那個男朋友 酒量也算一流 聊個一整夜隻怕不夠

你為甚麼跟他鬧酒 你莫非要借酒澆愁
你那個女朋友 到底還有沒有 搞不好我們四個人 去旅遊

*原來一回頭 原來才顯出你溫柔 我當時愛得不夠
原來隻能夠做朋友 從前快樂沒變哀愁
原來在那關頭 全因捨得分手 你說是否荒謬 我們比從前看起來更熟*

改天你母親搞賀壽 我帶女友出來走走 你就知我理由 不外乎太羞
如果要一起去旅遊 去歐洲


那天澎一聲關門 就走 很想問 你有沒有眼淚 想流
你以為 你的魅力大得足夠 少有 我們像在迎新懷舊

原來一回頭 原來才顯出你溫柔 我當時愛得不夠
原來隻能夠做朋友 從前快樂沒變哀愁
原來在那關頭 全因捨得分手
還去不去歐洲 四個人不許酸溜溜


(與星光三班徐佳瑩合唱. 倒吃甘蔗的表演)

(一個我不知該說甚麼好的惡搞版本, 女黑人版Fiona...笑死我了!)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

何韻詩 唱 美空雲雀

((((( 音樂心情 : 等待天空再次放晴... )))))

作曲:陳奐仁for the invisible men.何秉舜@goomusic
編曲:陳奐仁for the invisible men.何秉舜@goomusic
監製:陳奐仁for the invisible men.何秉舜@goomusic

誰那板間房 能永不透光
來鑽一線光給你 如你准我幫
同看一片天 同處一個房
人世間裡 不只你 不只我 等釋放 等解放
發著狂 發著狂 仰望
看著藍天空 穿了一個洞
有誰還可以 信奉
同病抱擁 扶持上進
天下為公 靠攜手相信
還有一殼水 還有一塊糖
還有一個關心你 還有一線光
鄰隔一塊板 同你一個房(倉)
還有一眾 一千個 一億個 不只你 不只我
撐著場 咬著牙 渴望
看著藍天空 穿了一個洞
有人還可以 信奉
要是人心中 穿了一個洞
你如何衝過 惡夢
門別再封 閒人勿進
想像睛空 有雲雀相送

P.S. 1 - HOCC新碟「Ten Days In The Mad House」繼續玩概念, 以留芳百世的文學巨著或著名人物為歌名

P.S. 2 - 美空雲雀是日本早期國寶級女歌手, 又稱「不死鳥歌姬」

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

M.I.A. sings Paper Planes

((((( Music Mood : 'Slumdog Millionaire' is slightly over-rated, but still worth a watch nonetheless. Feels like 'Trainspotting' meets 'City of God'. Great song used for an impactful sequence scene though. )))))

Lyrics | Paper Planes lyrics

Monday, January 12, 2009

Muse sings Hysteria

It's bugging me, grating me
And twisting me around
Yeah I'm endlessly caving in
And turning inside out

'cause I want it now
I want it now
Give me your heart and your soul
And I'm breaking out
I'm breaking out
Last chance to lose control

It's holding me, morphing me
And forcing me to strive
To be endlessly cold within
And dreaming I'm alive

'cause I want it now
I want it now
Give me your heart and your soul
And I'm not breaking down
I'm breaking out

Last chance to lose control

And I want you now
I want you now
I'll feel my heart implode
And I'm breaking out
Escaping now
Feeling my faith erode

Saturday, January 10, 2009

OneRepublic sings Stop And Stare

This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us
It's time to make our move, I'm shaking off the rust
I've got my heart set on anywhere but here
I'm staring down myself, counting up the years
Steady hands, just take the wheel...
And every glance is killing me
Time to make one last appeal... for the life I lead

Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, can you see what I see

They're trying to come back, all my senses push
Untie the weight bags, I never thought I could...
Steady feet, don't fail me now
Gonna run till you can't walk
Something pulls my focus out
And I'm standing down...

Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair

But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, you don't need

What you need, what you need...

Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be
Oh, do you see what I see...

Friday, January 9, 2009

桑田佳祐 唱 明天好天氣

((((( 音樂心情 : 就算今天狂風驟雨, 也要期待陽光就在不遠處...明日天氣晴! ^^ )))))

曾經閃光的歲月 也迷失了方向


難道是命中註定 叫人不敢面對
日復一日 不可思議

Oh baby No maybe
愛已走遠 情已不再

Oh baby You are maybe
憂喜交織 幸福的feeling
抱緊我 one more time

往事已經隨風 人生的路還漫長

命運的鑰匙 就握在你手中

Why baby? Oh tell me

Oh baby You are maybe
我想穿越 one more chance

I talk to myself
Oh baby No maybe
愛已走遠 情已不再

Oh baby Smile baby



Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sohodolls sings I'm Not Cool

((((( Music Mood : This British electro group makes the kind of dandy music that me likes! Gonna hunt down their debut album 'Ribbed Music for the Numb Generation' soon. ^^ )))))

I'm Not Cool
I thought you put me in rapture
I never asked you to dump her
Thought you knew we'd have a high life

And still I see
Your philosophy
Falling through my tainted mind
Would you dig my dirt?
Cause I'm so desperate
Can't you see you're wasting time
It ain't ever gonna feel this good, honey

I failed to tell you, to tell you now
That I've been fooled
Cause I'm not cool
And the scissors slide
Away with my pride

Speeding down a dead-end track
I wanted you there's no way back
Got a destructive appetite

Oh baby please!
Lift me off my knees
A little smile can go for miles
I may be young
But I will grow up strong
And by then she'll look like her mum
It ain't ever gonna feel this good, honey

I failed to tell you, to tell you now
That I've been fooled
Cause I'm not cool
And the scissors slide
Away with my pride

Just to be absolutely sure of the facts
I'm happy to act just as a side salad
Happy to act
Happy to pay
Happy to wait
Baby you're great
When your oven goes 'ping!'
I'll be there on your plate
When her oven goes bang...

I failed to tell you, to tell you now
That I've been fooled
cause I'm not cool
And the scissors slide
Away with my pride

[Bonus] Soundalike?

(Somehow part of the music arrangement reminds me of Hitchin' A Ride by Green Day...tell me if you feel the same too! )

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Glasvegas sings Daddy's Gone

(((((( Music Mood : Special thanks to Mr Masa for recommending this Glaswegian rock band. ^^ )))))

Daddy's Gone
How you are my hero
How you're never here though
Remember times when you put me on your shoulders
How I wish it was forever you would hold us
Right now I'm too young to know
How in the future it will affect me when you go
You could have had it all
You, me, and mum you know
anything was possible

I won't be the lonely one
Sitting on my own and sad
A fifty year-old
Reminiscing what I had

Forget your dad, he's gone

All I wanted was a kickabout in the park
For you to race me home when it was nearly getting dark
How I could've been yours, and you be mine
It could've been me and you until the end of time
Do what you want, when you want
Be as fuckin' insincere as you can
What kind of way is that to treat your wife
To see your son on saturdays
What way is that to live your life?

I won't be the lonely one
Sitting on my own and sad
A fifty year-old
Reminiscing what I had

Forget your dad, he's gone

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sunshine State sings Day Job

((((( Music Mood : Cute melody with not-so-cute lyrics )))))

Day Job
by A. Coldevin/J. Bryan McCollum

Where did the weekend go
I say to Steve
As the elevator opens
On the 7th floor of hell

Third cup of coffee
Now I’m half awake
Start to wander through my email
Getting cozy in my cell

1-2-3-4-5 more hours
crush my soul
and send me flowers
take me home
where I can be myself again

Monday I’ll sleep in ‘till noon
And stay out late
And live the life I want
I know
One day
I’ll leave this dull grey cubicle behind
If the rent could still be paid

Try to be different
Wore striped socks today
I think that everybody noticed
Heard them talking in the hall

Hey you know there’s muffins
On Todd’s desk
Well I better hurry now and get one
Guess I’ll have to miss that call

1-2-3-4-5 more hours
sing my love songs in the shower
brush my teeth
and try to plan my

Monday I’ll sleep in ‘till noon
And stay out late
And live the life I want
I know
One day
I’ll leave this dull grey cubicle behind
If the rent could still be paid

The dental plan
Serves me well
Love my ergonomic chair
Steady pay
That I never seem to save
I’ve been wasting too much time
I don’t wanna be there

Monday I’ll sleep in ‘till noon
And stay out late
And live the life I want
I know
One day
I’ll leave this dull grey cubicle behind
Things are gonna be different

Monday I’ll sleep in ‘till noon
And stay out late
And live the life I want
I know
One day
I’ll kiss this dull grey cubicle goodbye
If the rent could still be paid

[Bonus] Slave workers will definitely relate to this music vid

Sunday, January 4, 2009

容祖兒 唱 跑步機上

((((( 音樂心情 : 忍左好耐…個dance beat又真係幾勁吓喔! 搞到雙腳唔聽使喚都想跟住郁! )))))


持續了十里腎上腺分泌還在加 喘氣吧

加快吧 我的秒速只許加
加快吧 更不可能鬥快吧
加快吧 我想要的天天增加
來吧來吧 來吧來吧

如若我慢了就沒法緊貼時代嗎 追我吧


加快吧 我的秒速只許加
加快吧 更不可能鬥快吧
加快吧 我想要的天天增加
加快吧 看機器爆出火花
加快吧 扭緊指紋再上吧
加快吧 我想要的天天增加
來吧來吧 來吧來吧


加快吧 我的秒速只許加
加快吧 更不可能鬥快吧
加快吧 我想要的天天增加
加快吧 看機器爆出火花
加快吧 扭緊指紋再上吧
加快吧 我想要的天天增加
來吧來吧 來吧來吧 來吧來吧 
來吧來吧 來吧

[同場加映] Joey @ 2008叱咤樂壇頒獎典禮

[Bonus] 分享一個同Joey無關但係令我萬分感動既同場演出!

(Tears In Heaven/方大同, 有了你/王菀之, 喜歡你/陳奕迅)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

V.V. Brown sings Crying Blood

((((( Music Mood : This girl's got so much funk and oomph! One of the fast rising stars as listed by BBC's sound of 2009. Her debut's due in March, watch out world! )))))

Crying Blood
Can't belive what you've done to me
you got me feeling like a cloud in a stormy weather
Obviously it is hard to see that the sun will never shine when we are together
How can you be so ignorant to the fact that I'm gonna be in this pain forever
When you touch me I go insane for a part like a wave of a baby feather,
You believe that you're holding me
Can't you see ?

I'm crying blood
I'm crying blood
I'm crying tears from my eyes that i can't deny
And I am falling like a comet from the broken sky

Don't you come with your medicine and be a doctor in the time of a needy child
I got my clothes and a mess for you
That's my hair to the side and I'm going wild
Tell me that you have turned around
Write a letter to my mother cos she getting better
You can even do the crazy stuff because the shame is in the fact you have never met her
Can't belive what you do to me
Can't you see?

[Oh How You] Oh how you need me
[Desperately] Desperately need me
[Wish You Could] Wish you could love me
[Uncut Just To] Uncut just to need me

Friday, January 2, 2009

Stevie Wonder sings For Once In My Life

((((( Music Mood : Things will look up! up! up! )))))

For once in my life I have someone who needs me
Someone I've needed so long
For once, unafraid, I can go where life leads me
Somehow I know I'll be strong

For once I can touch what my heart used to dream of
Long before I knew
Oooh Someone warm like you
Would make my dream come true

Yeah yeah yeah

For once in my life I won't let sorrow hurt me
Not like it hurt me before
For once, I have something I know won't desert me
I'm not alone anymore

For once, I can say, this is mine, you can't take it
As long as I know I have love, I can make it
For once in my life, I have someone who needs me

HE He He Hey yeah
ooh baby ooh baby

For once in my life I won't let sorrow hurt me
Not like it hurt me before
For once, I have something I know won't desert me
I'm not alone anymore

For once, I can say, this is mine, you can't take it
Long as I know I have love, I can make it
For once in my life, I have someone who needs me

For once in my life
Yeah Somebody like my
Ooh baby

[Bonus] Corinne Bailey Rae's version!